Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Dynamic characteristics

                    When the instrument is subjected to rapidly varying inputs, the relation between input and output becomes totally different than that in case of static or constant inputs. As the input varies from instant to instant, output also varies from instant to instant. The behaviour of system under such conditions is called dynamic response of the system.
                    The dynamic behaviour of the measuring system is determined by applying some known and predetermined variations of input to the sensing element. The standard variations in the input, used practically to obtain the dynamic behaviour, are as follows:
1.    Step input 
                    This represents sudden, instantaneous and finite change in the input. The step input of magnitude A is denoted as Au (t) and can be indicated as shown in the fig.
Its Laplace transform is given by,
                    F(s) = ……. Laplace of step input.
When A=1 it is called unit step input.

2.    Ramp input
                       This represents linear change in input. The input, i.e. a variable to be measured varies linearly with time. It changes at a constant rate with respect to the time. The ramp input of magnitude A denoted as At u (t) and can be shown in the fig.
The Laplace transform of rape is given by,
                    F(s) =A/S²………..Laplace of ramp input
When A=1, it is called unit ramp input. 

3.    Parabolic input  
                     This represents an input signals which is proportional to the square of the time and hence represents constant acceleration. The parabolic input of magnitude A is denoted as u(t) and can be shown in fig.
The Laplace transform of parabola is given by,
                    F(s) = 2A/s³……….Laplace of parabolic input

4.    Impulse input 
                                It exists only at t=o and has zero value at any other time.
f(t) =0  for   t≠ 0
And area under it is its magnitude. If it is unity, it is called delta function denoted as δ (t). It is shown in fig. it shows the concept of impulse input and it shows its representation. It is basically a pulse with its base Δt approaching to zero. The Laplace transform of δ(t) is 1.
                    L (δt) =1……………Laplace of unite impulse input 
Impulse Input
Impulse Input

5.    Sinusoidal input  This represents an input which changes in accordance with a Sinusoidal function of constant amplitude. The frequency is the independent variable in this case. For a linear system subjected to Sinusoidal input, the output is also Sinusoidal in steady state, but it differs from input in amplitude and phase. Analyzing the dynamic behaviour includes the study of variation in output amplitude and phase as input is Sinusoidal in nature.
The Sinusoidal input is given by A sinɷt where Ais its amplitude as shown in fig. its Laplace transform is given by,
 F(s)= Aɷ/s²+ɷ²………Laplace of  Sinusoidal input.
The various dynamic characteristics of an instrument are speed of response, fidelity, lag and the dynamic error. 
Sinusoidal Input
Sinusoidal Input

Speed of Response 

           It is the rapidity with which the system responds to the changes in the quantity to be measured. It gives the information about how fast the system reacts to the changes in the input. It indicates activeness of the system. 


          It indicates how much faithfully the system reproduces the changes in the input. It is the ability of an instrument to produce a wave shape of input with respect to time.

   Every system takes some time, whatever small it may be, to respond to the changes in the measured variable. This retardation or delay in the response of a system is called lag. The lags are of two types:-
1.    Retardation Lag: In this case, the response of the system begins immediately after a change in the variable has occurred.
2.    Time Delay : In this case,response begins after some time called dead time, after the application of input. Such a delay shifts the response along time axis and hence causes the dynamic error.

Dynamic Error

Dynamic characteristics
Dynamic characteristics
          It is the difference between the true value of the variable to be measured, changing with time and the value indicated by the measurement system, assuming zero static error.


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